Get me through it!

29 Sep

The other day I was at work, working outside, and of course it was raining. Not hard rain, but two long bursts of a steady drizzle, broken up by a dry, humid bout. It was awful. I felt disgusting. I was disgusting. Sweaty, soggy shoes, overheated. The only thing that keeps me going at times like this is singing to myself. Sometimes I think up short stories to write, but predominantly I hum or sing to myself. It was a toss up between two songs so I’ll post both of them for your viewing pleasure. If you have critters nearby please be aware that Video #2 is NSFW/C: not safe for work/children.


Sigh. I love both videos. Ceelo did a song that was just waiting to be made and he did is A+ awesome. Marina’s got a great voice and it doesn’t hurt that she’s gorgeous.

2 Responses to “Get me through it!”

  1. Captain Dumbass September 29, 2010 at 2:49 PM #

    Guess I’ll have to come back after work.

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